Test Suites

FTI is bundled with a set of testing programs and scripts to execute them. The combination of script and a testing program is called a test suite. The test suites validate, by design, a single FTI feature under different conditions. Moreover, FTI contains several test suites to achieve higher software quality.

The test suites scripts are developed using the FTI Integration Test Framework (ITF). In this format, test functions define how to validate different aspects of the target feature. This is done by creating multiple test cases by variating parameters that might affect the feature’s behavior. For more information about how to implement these concepts, we recommend reading the ITF documentation. This page is devoted to explaining which test suites exist and what they validate.

We divide the test suite in three test categories: (i) core functionalities; (ii) additional features and (iii) compilation/build. Indeed, the suites are grouped by the type of feature they validate. This organization is expressed in the testing folder hierarchy. Hence, the suites are bundled in hierarchical directories with the root in testing/suites. A brief description of every suite in each category can be found in the table below.

Suite Name

Focus on testing

Test Cases

Core Functionality Suite


Multi-level checkpointing



Supported corner cases



Simplified use-case scenarios



Runtime-aware checkpoint interval



Different checkpoint sizes per rank



Archive checkpoint in PFS


Additional Features Suite


Differential Checkpointing



Variate Processor Restart



Recover Variable per Name



Recover Variable per Id



Staging Feature



Manipulate FTI configurations



HDF5 support and sanity checks


Compilation and Build Suite


Build with different CMake versions


Core functionality test category

The core category is attributed to test suites that validate the main FTI behavior. In other words, this category applies mainly to the multi-level checkpoint feature. Furthermore, we added into this category other FTI behaviors that support the multi-level functionality.

Multi-level checkpoint

The multi-level checkpoint suite is located in the testing/suites/core/multiLevelCkpt folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name standard.itf. The suite is composed of two testing functions: (i) normal_run and (ii) ckpt_disruption.

The normal_run function checks the expected behavior of FTI under normal circumstances. The function simulates an application crashing and re-starting to verify FTI checkpoint/restart behavior.

The ckpt_disruption function checks the expected behavior of FTI when the checkpoint files are disrupted (i.e erased or corrupted). It follows the same flow as normal_run but the checkpoint files are disrupted before the second application run. This function simulates scenarios where FTI is supposed to both fail and succeed in recovering the application state.


The tests which cause FTI to fail are currently disabled in the CI environment due to unexpected MPI hanging.

FTI corner cases

The corner cases suite is located in the testing/suites/core/cornerCases folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name corner_cases.itf. The suite is composed of corner case scenarios regarding the consistency and hierarchy of checkpoint files. There are three scenarios regarding the consistency aspect represented as the test functions: (i) ckpt_consistency; (ii) keep_last_consistency and (iii) double_fti_init.

The ckpt_consistency tests check if FTI creates consistent checkpoint and partner files. The checks validate if FTI can recover from one group of files when the other is corrupted. Then, a new set of checkpoint files is created and another group is corrupted. The test validates if all application states are consistent, regardless of the recovery strategy.

The keep_last_consistency tests is similar to ckpt_consistency. However, instead of simulating crashes to test the recovery, the application finishes and stores its last checkpoint on the PFS. Then, the function asserts that FTI uses the last checkpoint from PFS when a re-run is issued with the same configuration file.

The double_fti_init asserts that FTI is capable of functioning if the initialization function is called twice. Moreover, this function mimics a live restart and/or protection of individual application segments.

The remainder test functions are related to the hierarchical relationship between checkpoint levels. There are two test functions targeting these corner cases: (i) subsequent_checkpoints and (ii) subsequent_ckpts_restart. FTI is expected to overwrite less recent files depending on the order the checkpoints are taken. Hence, the former function asserts that FTI maintains the most secure checkpoint after taking subsequent checkpoints. Finally, the subsequent_ckpts_restart function asserts that FTI restores from the most recent non-corrupted checkpoint.

FTI use cases

The use cases suite is located in the testing/suites/core/useCases folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name use_cases.itf. The suite is composed of three applications that simulate a simplified use case for FTI. These tests can be considered as true integration tests given that they are based on mini-kernels. There are two test functions on this test case: (i) nodeflag and (ii) simulated_use_cases.

Synchronization interval

The synchronization interval suite is located in the testing/suites/core/syncIntv folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name sync_intv.itf. It contains only one function, checkpoint_interval. This test executes a 3d heat distribution kernel. Furthermore, the function asserts that checkpoints are taken in the correct application iterations and time intervals.

Ranks with different checkpoint sizes

The ckptDiffSizes suite is located in the testing/suites/core/ckptDiffSizes folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name diff_sizes.itf. This suite checks if FTI is capable of checkpointing ranks with different checkpoint sizes. It contains two test functions: (i) verify_log and (ii) verify_log_disrupt. Both functions use FTI logs to assert that all the data is being checkpointed regardless of the difference in size. The latter check also adds disruption to the checkpoint files between application runs.

Keep level 4 checkpoints

The keepL4Ckpt suite is located in the testing/suites/core/keepL4Ckpt folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name keepl4.itf. It contains a single test function, standard. The function asserts that FTI pushes the L4 checkpoint into an archive when configured to do so.

Additional features test category

The feature test category applies to test suites that validate FTI features beyond the scope of the main checkpoint/restart feature. Those are variations for API functions, support for IO libraries, and other non-essential functionalities. Test suites that adhere to this category are located under the testing/suites/features folder.

Differential Checkpointing

The differential checkpoint suite is located in the testing/suites/features/differentialCkpt folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name dCP.itf. It contains two test functions: (i) standard and (ii) corrupt_check;

The standard test function asserts the differential checkpoint encodes the correct amount of data. The corrupt_check function asserts that FTI can recover from corrupted differential checkpoint data.


The standard function implements the checks for POSIX and FTI IO modes.

Variate Processor Restart

The variate processor restart suite is located in the testing/suites/features/variateProcessorRestart folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name vpr.itf. It contains one test function, standard.

The standard function asserts that FTI is capable of restarting an application in a different number of ranks.


The standard function only verifies the behavior for the HDF5 IO library.

Recover variable by name

The recover-name suite is located in the testing/suites/features/recoverName folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name recovername.itf. It contains one test function, standard. The function asserts that FTI can correctly recover variables given their name.


This functionality is not enabled for FTI IO mode and is disabled in the CI environment.

Recover variable by id

The recover-var suite is located in the testing/suites/features/recoverVar folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name recovervar.itf. It contains one test function, standard. The function asserts that FTI can correctly recover variables given a numeric id.

Staging API

The staging suite is located in the testing/suites/features/staging folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name staging.itf. It contains one test function, standard. The function asserts the correct functioning of the staging functionality. In other words, it asserts that FTI can push files to the PFS in the background as requested by the application.

GetConfig API

The GetConfig suite is located in the testing/suites/features/getConfig folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name getconfig.itf. It contains one test function, standard. This test asserts that FTI can retrieve the configuration file contents during runtime.

HDF5 support

The hdf5 suite is located in the testing/suites/features/hdf5 folder. The ITF suite file is declared under the name hdf5.itf. It contains onde test functions, hdf5_test. This test asserts that FTI yields correct HDF5 structures when issuing HDF5 checkpoint files.

Compilation test category

The compilation test category applies to test suites that validate the FTI build process. Test suites that adhere to this category are located under the testing/suites/compilation folder. As of now, there is only one test suite in this category: cmake_versions.

The CMake versions test suite is used to test FTI compilation under different CMake versions. It is used to guarantee the build process portability from the minimum CMake required version up to more recent ones. This test is tailored to function in the FTI CI environment. Thus, reproducibility will involve changing the behavior of the test so it can find the installed CMake binaries.